domingo, 14 de fevereiro de 2016

A new chapter in its life

Activities: viewing the documentary “The True Cost”; discussing in class the issues/problems mentioned in the documentary; analysing some opinion texts given; study the script; search for web information about it; take notes and relevant quotations; write a first draft in class; evaluation- write a discursive essay having in mind the documentary and the sentence given using all the materials, either given by the teacher or found during their search in the web. This activity wanted to guide and to show them how to build their learning practises, either in class or by self web search. Connections have to be made as well as self-reflections in order to think critically about one important issue that is having a big impact in our century. Search, curious and diverse findings that motivated them to go on and search for more, selection from what is really important, think about the findings,  were some of the steps used to build their knowledge.

The results were mostly great and it was emotionally rewarding to read them. But what was really important was that their minds changed and nothing will be the same when going shopping for some cheap clothing anymore. The documentary made them think about the social and the environmental impacts fast-fashion industry has and the consequences their acts can have. This photo is a good example of how some did their search to be prepared to the final test. There are references from the Vogue to the Guardian, quotations from the script or web sites to Abraham Lincoln; summaries; list of organisations mentioned and what each do; etc. All of them have created their own learning path, guided and trained with the help of the teacher to achieve their individual knowledge.